Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Satan’s Lie: You can’t do this? It is impossible for you! 

Counter Action: BELIEVE that “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13). REPEAT God’s Word to satan and TELL him, “My God says, I am POWERFUL and can do anything through and because of HIM. The impossible becomes possible with my GOD! With Him, I can dare to dream big! With Him, I CAN fulfill His purpose for my life!” 

As Christians, we have heard Philippians 4:13 quoted so many times that it has lost its power in our lives. A verse of scripture has its greatest power when we apply it. Do we really believe we can do “ALL” things through Christ? Do we really believe that Christ can give us this great strength and ability? The answer is…WE MUST!! 

God has given commands in His Word that pertains to every believer – we are to be obedient, be a witness, to pray without ceasing, to meditate on His Word, etc. That is His will for each and every one of us. When we first come to Christ we are new creatures with new desires and longings for God. We seem to have a great zeal to do these things when we first believe, but then satan comes along and whispers in our ear to make us doubt God, doubt our salvation, doubt our ability to live for Christ, doubt that He really cares for us, doubt that He is hearing our prayers, etc., etc. And as we take in these subtle lies and as we believe more and more of them we start to lose that loving feeling…that wonderful feeling we had for our first Love. When that happens, living for God gradually becomes a heavy yolk, a mundane task, more or less just something we are supposed to do, something that is expected of us.

BUT, we must start and right now, counteracting all the lies that have infiltrated our hearts and minds. And it can’t be done in a day, but if we are to fulfill the destiny that God has set before us we MUST start now! Don’t let satan rob you of one more moment of your abundant life in Christ and the joy of knowing who you are in Him!

Dear child of God, your Creator has a specific "will" for your life – a plan that is for you alone – a blueprint for your life that will fit your personality, your style, your way of doing things, and will incorporate all of your life experiences…good or bad. No one else can do exactly what you were created to do. You are unique! One of a kind! No one else has walked in your shoes.

But, dear friend, you must remember this: God has not asked us to do everything! But, we must by faith, do everything He asks if we are to grow in Him. If satan says that you can’t possibly do what God has called you to do please immediately stop and tell him, “Sorry, but God has already handpicked me for the job. He’s already had me in training for it long before I was even aware of it and He will equip me with whatever else I need!”

God raised up a Noah, a Moses, an Abraham, and a David and God has placed you in this time for a time such as this. Satan’s demise is drawing nearer each day. God wants us to be able to stand when there may be no one else to stand with us.

Satan, let it be known, starting today…“I AM POWERFUL WITH GOD! With Him, I can do ALL things! In Christ, I can do the impossible!”

The Princess Warrior

Copyright Information 
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles at 31 Days Closer to God are owned by The Princess Warrior Ministries and are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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