Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Each day I would like for you to write Satan's Lie and the Counter Action on either an index card (preferably), a sheet of paper, or you can copy and paste this status into a Word document. This is to be carried with you as you go through your day to read and meditate on. I want you to be alert to satan's tactics and to be able to counter his lies with the Word of God (to use as your word weapon against the adversary) and an affirmation (power of positive thinking). We must begin to reverse the damage that satan has done. We can only do that through the power of God's Word and our own resolve to resist that roaring lion who seeks to devour the ones whom God loves...you and me.
To kick-start this 31 Days Closer to God we really need to take a look at satan’s lies in general (we’ll get specific on Day 3) and what we MUST do each AND every time he tries to get into our heads. Just as he did in the Garden of Eden, his main objective is to entice us to question and/or forget our Lord’s promises, His love, His goodness, His mercy, His provision, His protection, His instructions, His will, etc.

Satan’s Lie: Anything contrary to the Word and character of God.

Counter Action: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7

Resist the devil and he WILL flee! That is a promise from God. It doesn’t say “pray” and he will flee. It doesn’t say “do good” and he will flee. It says RESIST! If a stranger is trying to take you captive are you just gonna hold out your hands and say, “Okay, go ahead and tie me up and while you’re at it make sure that rope is nice and tight so there is no way I can escape!” WHAT THE WORLD? NO! We RESIST with all our might! We kick, scratch, and claw to keep from being captured. So, when we give an ear to satan instead of resisting, we might as well lie down and tell him to handcuff us and throw away the key.

Why on earth do we go down without a fight time and time again by believing things that we know are not true?! My friends it is because we have become complacent and we would rather lie down than put up a fight, because with all the other things we have to deal with, fighting just seems too hard OR it could be that we have never resisted his lies in the first place – we just swallow them hook, line, and sinker – sometimes latching onto them as soon as the bait hits the water!

And not to discourage you, but as a warning to be watchful, you can bet your bottom dollar that satan will come back to entice you with that same lie. You didn’t think he would give up that easily did you?! He wants to see if you really meant what you said to him. He wants to know if that was just a “moment” of resolve or if you really have determined in your heart to take a stand and resist him. You know that if satan can get an inch from you…he WILL take a mile. JUST SAY "NO"!

Dear child of God, if we are to have victory – when satan whispers that lie – we MUST RESIST the temptation to give in to that lie and we MUST “COUNTER IT” with GOD’S WORD and our REFUSAL to believe it! When he meets the same opposition each and every time...he WILL give up. He doesn’t want to waste his time on something you have already settled in your heart. So, that will be what we are trying to do for the next 31 days. We are going to get it confirmed in our hearts. We are going to believe that “I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM!!” From this day forward, we will NOT settle for anything less.

Now, we have focused on “RESISTING”, but I want to say just a little bit about the first part of James 4:7. It says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God…” When satan comes calling, and we know he will, if we have already submitted our hopes, our dreams, and our all to God it will be almost impossible for satan to entice us with his lies. It doesn’t mean we won’t be tempted to listen, but we will have the power of God on our side to give us the strength to resist. If God is for us, who can be against us! (Romans 8:31)

And the last part of that verse is totally awesome! It says, “…and he will flee from you.” Did you catch that? He will flee from YOU!!!! By SUBMITTING ourselves to God and RESISTING satan’s advances, we can send him running like a scalded dog! Now, really let that sink in. A being as powerful as satan will flee from YOU! Hot diggidy dog!! Now, that gets me fired up!

I don’t want to be a victim of satan’s lies and discouragement anymore! Are you with me?! Like my husband has said, “Satan’s greatest trophy is not the drunk in a ditch; it is a discouraged, unusable, beaten down Christian. Child of the Most High God, DO NOT let satan win! You are very valuable to your Creator. You are here because He allowed you to be and He saved you for a great purpose. The first is to give Him glory and we can do that by being obedient – taking God at His Word.

Satan, let it be known, starting today…”I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM!

(Tomorrow we will get specific, so stay tuned...)

The Princess Warrior

Copyright Information 
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles at 31 Days Closer to God are owned by The Princess Warrior Ministries and are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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