Tuesday, April 17, 2012


For the first 31 days we will be moving closer to God by acknowledging that "I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM". We will be breaking down the strongholds that have built up in our hearts and minds because of the lies satan has whispered in our ears for years (for some of us, most of our lives).

We will not be able to move forward in our relationship with God until we allow Him to break those chains that we allowed satan to place on our hands and feet. Jesus came to give us freedom, and at the moment of salvation we were made free, but satan wants us crippled and incapable of doing great things for God. He wants us bound again and he will go at it by using either our sinful past, our present struggles, or our fear of the future. He knows which one is our deadly weakness and he will use it to his advantage.

When we get this nailed down, and when we know, that we know, that we know who we are in Christ; no demon in Hell can tell us otherwise!

I would like for you to have some index cards (preferably), but if you don't get a chance to pick some up then you can just write down each day's post on a sheet of paper or copy and paste to a Word document. I want you to be able to carry it with you all day AND to keep for future reference.
Now, I have a favor to ask. I hope you will tell others about this blog. In doing so you will play a major part in helping others who may be struggling in their walk with the Lord. I pray that in the 31 days to come we will indeed find ourselves closer to God and strongly convinced of who we are because of Christ!

For His Glory!

The Princess Warrior

P.S. After the first 31 days on the subject of "I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM" we will switch to something else. What comes next could be anything from 31 Days of Prayer for _________ (fill in the blank) or scripture memorization, etc. Whatever the Lord directs that's what we will do.

Sometimes, after we have completed 31 Days of "Something" we may take a break for a few days before we start something else.

It would be great, as we go along, to hear from you. If God has given you victory over something and/or if you have successfully resisted satan then please share it as a comment on one of the statuses. Also, feel free to jump in and give encouragement to others. You may have gotten victory over something and you can pass that wisdom on to others. =)

Anyway, I can't wait to get started. Victory awaits us!!

The Princess Warrior

Copyright Information 
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles at 31 Days Closer to God are owned by The Princess Warrior Ministries and are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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