Monday, June 3, 2013

DAY 15 - 31 Days of Evangelism Tips and Training

Since my internet is acting up today I'm posting something that I had in my files that might be of interest and shed some light on the term "Once Saved Always Saved".

Over the last 14 days I have introduced you to Evangelist Ray Comfort. Years ago, when I went through his program called "The Way of the Master" I emailed Living Waters and asked where Ray stood on the aforementioned term. Here was their response:

When people call and ask where Ray stands on the charismatic issue, prophecy, predestination, etc., we tell them that he doesn't have an opinion because he doesn't want to divide the Body of Christ. However, let me share where Ray does stand on one issue that I think Christians may be able to come closer together on--the issue of "Once saved always saved."

Someone asked Ray's opinion on a book on the subject, written by a very respected man of God. After reading the book, one thing he noticed, was there was a very evident silence on the subject of true and false conversion. This was despite the fact that it is incredibly relevant to the topic dealt with in the book. The New Testament deals with this in great depth. It tells of Judas' profession of faith (he was in truth a thief, and was referred to by Jesus as a "devil"), to the parables of Jesus about the true and false "believers" sitting alongside one another. It speaks of Demas, who forsook Paul because he "loved this present world." As such, he revealed himself to be an enemy of God--"Whoever is a friend of the world is an enemy of God."

In one case, the author referred to a pastor/friend who was found to be "romantically" involved with another woman. The pastor had made his mind up to divorce his wife and marry the woman. I presume he means that he had been committing adultery. Instead of challenging the man as to the validity of his faith, and therefore warning him that "adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God," he spoke of the man's "loss of rewards."

Ray does believe in eternal security for a true convert. He puts his hand to the plow and doesn't look back, because he is "fit" for the kingdom (Luke 9:62).

Those who are fit for the Kingdom are not hypocrites as was Judas. The true convert is eternally secure in his faith, because his faith in Jesus is genuine rather than false.

However, if a man steals, lies, kills, rapes, hates, lusts, covets, commits adultery, etc., and calls himself a Christian, he would be very wise to examine himself and see if he is "in the faith." The Bible makes it very clear that hypocrites will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

If a man has no understanding of true and false conversion (in his ignorance), he may make a calculated decision to forsake a few future eternal rewards and trade them for the immediate and temporary pleasures of sin. His confidence is in an interpretation of scripture that may have eternally tragic repercussions.

Ray thinks that teaching on true and false conversion would clear the air when it comes to the contentions between two opinions that so often divide the Church. It would bring closer together those who say you can lose your salvation at the drop of a sinful hat, and others who think that Christians can get away with murder and still be assured that they are saved, because they once professed faith in the Savior.

For more information, if you haven't already, please read "True and FalseConversion".

Special Note: Please make no mistake or wrong assumption from this text. Salvation is eternal and always has been and always will be through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ...for by grace are we saved through faith...but, true saving faith will produce repentance and a changed life. After becoming a Christian we may fall into sin, but we will not run to it, neither can we stay in it. 

Jesus Christ said that He has begun a good work in us and will continue it until He calls us home...and God cannot lie. Once saved, always saved is correct, but one must be truly saved to always be saved. God gives to us eternal life and no man can pluck us out of His hand!

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